fighting the fatigue....because one can not be made up of only ideals. one needs a heart to go with those ideals. one needs hopes, dreams, fears, and stories to be real.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
1 corinthians 9:26
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Yesh. oo. ah.

jeremiah 32:36-41
image: papertissue
epic faith...

Here's a brief excerpt describing the greatness of this success: "The school will have an international faculty educating, eventually, around 600 graduate students. Kim dreams ultimately of hosting an industrial park around the PUST campus, drawing firms from around the world -- a North Korean version, as bizarre as it sounds, of Palo Alto or Boston's Route 128.
There will be Internet access for all, connecting the students to an outside world that they've heretofore been instructed is a hostile and dangerous place. And among the six departments will be a school of industrial management."
What strikes me even more not even the success of this University, but the testimony of this man. It's crazy.
"When James was 15 years old, he tried to enlist in the army as the Korean War broke out, but a recruiter first turned him away as too young. "I cut my finger and wrote in blood, 'I love my country,'" so the recruiter changed his mind and accepted him. He joined an army unit of 800, and by 1952 only 17 remained. The rest had been killed.
Until that point, Kim had not himself been particularly religious. He had watched his grandfather "persecute" his father for his conversion to Christianity. But on the battlefield one night, Kim read from the Gospel of St. John, which had been passed out by a U.S. Army chaplain to the troops who remained. Having watched so much of his unit get wiped out, it was verse 3:16 that spoke to him: "That whosoever shall believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Then and there, says Kim, "I vowed to God to work with the Chinese and the North Koreans -- then our enemies. I would devote my life to it, if I survived the war." "
Epic faith....57 years later...Pyongyang University of Science & Technology begins. James Kim & North Korea=David & Goliath version 2009.
photos & quote from: CNN; article by: Bill Powell
Friday, September 18, 2009

A minute to smile and an hour to weep in,
A pint of joy to a peck of trouble,
And never a laugh but the moans come double;
And that is life!
A crust and a corner that love makes precious,
With a smile to warm and the tears to refresh us;
And joy seems sweeter when cares come after,
And a moan is the finest of foils for laughter;
And that is life!
-paul laurence dunbar.
Friday, September 11, 2009

and though i still think that there's brilliant beauty in that, there's something i've missed out on. i was recently sitting with my cello and wondering why i felt such a deep gratitude towards it. i realized that it's because my cello never tells me how i should feel. instead, i'm able to play what i'm not able to say. through my cello i'm able to express all those things that i don't have an answer for yet. i've realized that in the course of being comforted through other's stories, i've fallen into a well of commiserating, and in that well, i was surrendering the pen that writes my story. i was letting my story drown in the hundreds and thousands of other stories that were beautiful, but certainly not my own.
i recently saw lymbyc systym play live and realized that i like my music without words. my heart will always flutter for brilliant songwriting, but i like it when music, every once in a while, just tells me to feel & think rather than telling me what to feel & think. i've resolved in my heart to take back the pen and write my own story again.
so far...two words have been clearly written.
"practice resurrection."
image: papertissue
practice resurrection
Friday, September 4, 2009
proud to be a texan.

then there's this. back in 2005, berlin artists michael elmgreen and ingar dragset had an idea to install a prada store in the middle of the west texas desert, close to marfa. the idea was for it to be freestanding in the middle of the desert and to let it stand as a relic. one of the funders noted that, "we loved the idea of the piece being born on oct. 1 and that it will never again be maintained. if someone spray-paints graffiti or a cowboy decides to use it as target practice or maybe a mouse or a muskrat makes a home in it, 50 years from now it will be a ruin that is a reflection of the time it was made."

then there's this beautiful video by la blogotheque down in marfa, tx. jose gonzalez. wow.
#SPLIT 13.2 - José Gonzalez - Storm
by lablogotheque
so in other words....texas, i kind of miss you. coming to see you soon...
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