Tuesday, March 13, 2012

celebration of you, little minnow.

photo: papertissue.tumblr.com

sometimes i catch myself talking about the weather much too much, and pretending to know about things i don't,
and it reminds me of how as a child i thought grown-ups were so annoying for talking about the weather much too much and pretending to know about things they don't.
then i grow sad that i am already 25 and am supposed to be a grown-up.

but then i remember that i still listen to my music much too loudly, and that i eat ice cream almost exclusively in bed, that i still dance like a maniac alone in my room at least 4 times a week, that sometimes i eat strawberry licorice for breakfast, and that my wallet is completely unorganized. things that make my mum sigh in grief, they make me sigh in relief.

growing up is inevitable they say. but i'll choose to celebrate the minnow. sometimes she's the smarter one in me anyway.


  1. i was juuuust about to write a blog post about growing up! this sums it up perfectly ;) same wavelength.

  2. I love this post and love that you still eat ice cream in bed ;)
